Everyone has a garden story. I’d love to tell yours.
Gardening with Doug
Episode #12 Saving seeds, basil cutting and saving a maple by pruning
Learn how to save seeds from plants and take cuttings to make more plants. An homage to the rose of Sharon and pruning tips.
Episode #5 Deer disaster, how to water/fertilize, uprighting a mature shrub
Doug's deer disaster! Learn how to water and fertilize the right way, a hydrangea that actually blooms and uprighting a rhodie.
Episode #4 Helping pollinators, self sowing annual and a problematic maple tree
Doug has some tips to help pollinators and shows off a great annual flower that self sows every season. Learn how to harvest too.
In Doug's Garden by Davey Tree: Building a trellis, straw bale gardening and visiting arborist info
Learn how to build a trellis, grow in straw bales, check out a tough, beautiful rose and discover what to expect when an arborist visits.
Doug's new TV show on CBS streaming every Saturday 9 a.m.
Check out Doug's new TV show for KDKA/CBS Pittsburgh. "In Doug's Garden brought to you by The Davey Tree Expert Company.