Everyone has a garden story. I’d love to tell yours.
Gardening with Doug
Episode #12 Saving seeds, basil cutting and saving a maple by pruning
Learn how to save seeds from plants and take cuttings to make more plants. An homage to the rose of Sharon and pruning tips.
Episode #11 Compost 101 and tick safety tips
Compost Happens! How to make your own compost and use it in the garden along with great safety tips regarding ticks.
Episode #10 Organic pest control, grow something different and tree work safety
Organic pest and disease control, grow something different and safety tips when working with trees.
Episode #9 Planting dandelions in PittMoss and summer storm tips from Davey
Planting dandelions? That's right, we planted containers with PittMoss, an organic planting medium made from recycled paper.
Episode #8 Strawberry pot watering hack, garden progress and managing a home woodland
This week Doug shows a great trick for getting strawberry pots watered and Davey has tips for managing a home woodland.
Episode #7 Garlic Rules! Fertilizing trees out of 1967 Bronco!
Learn how to make harvested garlic last for months, planting beans and fertilizing trees out of a cool 1967 Bronco.