Episode #10 Organic pest control, grow something different and tree work safety Podcasts Webinars and Appearances Aug 6 Written By Doug Oster This week I'm controlling chewing insects organically. I'm also doing more succession planting with some "weird" veggies. A quick garden tour and then Rob Kruljac from Davey Tree shows the safety gear needed to work on trees. Davey TreeDoug Osterorganicorganic gardeningorganic pest controlpest controlpittsburghslugs Doug Oster
Episode #10 Organic pest control, grow something different and tree work safety Podcasts Webinars and Appearances Aug 6 Written By Doug Oster This week I'm controlling chewing insects organically. I'm also doing more succession planting with some "weird" veggies. A quick garden tour and then Rob Kruljac from Davey Tree shows the safety gear needed to work on trees. Davey TreeDoug Osterorganicorganic gardeningorganic pest controlpest controlpittsburghslugs Doug Oster