Everyone has a garden story. I’d love to tell yours.
Gardening with Doug
Doug's new TV show on CBS streaming every Saturday 9 a.m.
Check out Doug's new TV show for KDKA/CBS Pittsburgh. "In Doug's Garden brought to you by The Davey Tree Expert Company.
Looking for information about KDKA/Press WWII Victory Garden
In the early to mid 1940's, there was a Victory Garden in Schenley Park which was a joint effort by the Pittsburgh Press and KDKA radio.
Listen to Doug's Organic Gardener Radio Show anytime here
Listen to The Organic Gardener Radio Show anytime by using this link. Learn how to garden without chemicals and have fun too.
Doug's favorite late summer plants
Check out these plant that don't need much from the gardener. They are Doug's late season favs.
Container planting 101 for flowers and veggies as seen on PTL
Here's a great formula for planting containers in the veggie and flower garden.