Explore the Gardens of London/Chelsea Flower Show with Doug on a direct flight May 2025! Webinar on 9/25, register here

This is just one of the spectacular displays at the Chelsea Flower Show in London. Check out the gallery below of what I’ve seen on past visits.

I’m thrilled to be making my fourth trip to the Chelsea Flower Show and to see the gardens and city of London along with a trip to explore the gardens of Sissinghurst Castle. Not only will we see formal gardens, but also small gardens all through the city. Everyone gardens in London and the city is filled with the color, texture and amazing design which will provide a plethora of ideas for any gardener.

The trip runs from May 15 through May 24th, 2025 and we’ll be flying direct from Pittsburgh. You can also fly to London from any other airport if you’re not from the Pittsburgh area.

We’ll see Chelsea Flower Show, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, Hampton Court, St. James's Park, RHS Garden Wisley, Savill Gardens, Sissinghurst Castle Garden and offer an optional tour of Windsor Castle.

Here are all the details and a full itinerary.

I’ll be hosting a webinar on Wednesday Sept. 25. 2024 at 6 p.m. to go over all the details of the trip. Register here.

You can also use this QR code to register and look at the itinerary. Just point a smartphone camera at the code.

A view of some of the gardens from the top of Sissenhurst Castle.


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