Testing for Doug's Free Seed Shack at Hahn Nursery

I've converted old newspaper sales boxes into Doug's Free Seed Shacks. Most of them will be placed in under served communities to give residents access to seeds for food and flowers.

This version of Doug's Free Seed Shack is at Hahn Nursery in Ross. Take a look, get some seeds and let me know what would make it work better.

I've got one filled with seeds right now at Hahn Nursery in Ross. I'd like you to go and get some seeds to see how the box works. If you have suggestions, let me know.

The nursery is located at 443 Babcock Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15237.

There's also a secret compartment filled with some rare tomato seeds to entice you. There are some really interesting tomato varieties in there. You'll be able to find the compartment.

Let me know what you think by emailing me at dougoster@comcast.net.


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