I’m excited to start a new series of 10 free online gardening classes for Farm to Table Buy Fresh Buy Local. The classes will be held live every Wednesday at 5 p.m. EST. We have a lot of fun during these interactive classes and I’ll even be doing one from the Home and Garden Show! If you can’t make the class that day, you can always watch later.
Here’s the schedule- Organic Gardening with Doug Oster
3/12 (From Home Show) Preparing for Outdoor Seed Planting 3/19 The Organic Garden; Growing Naturally is Easy 3/26 Planting Perennials, Shrubs and Trees 4/2 Outsmarting Four Legged Pests 4/9 Grow Something Unique and Wonderful 4/16 Spring Container Gardening 4/23 Secrets for Early Outdoor Planting