Everyone has a garden story. I’d love to tell yours.
Gardening with Doug
J.L. Hudson Seedsman info from KDKA The Organic Gardener 1/05/25
I’ve been ordering from the J.L. Hudson catalog for decades. It’s filled with unique seeds that are reasonably priced. You can find trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, vegetables and more in the catalog.
Part 2 and 3 of Natalie Carmolli of Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs from 12/29/24 KDKA
Natalie Carmolli with Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs came on the radio show to talk about new plant introductions and also some of her favorite tough plants from the company.
Natalie Carmolli from Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs, deer resistant plants.
In part one of three with guest Natalie Carmolli from Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs discusses the Deer Proof series of plants offered by the company. Here’s a complete listing of the varieties which have been tested to be the most deer resistant.
The Pittsburgh Preservation Project: Saving Heirloom Tomatoes One Variety at a Time
The Pittsburgh Preservation Project: Saving Heirloom Tomatoes One Variety at a Time.
Tomatofest sale along with rare and discontinued tomato seeds
I’ve been a big fan of Gary Ibsen and Dagma Lacy from Tomatofest. They have dedicated their lives to offering hundreds of varieties of interesting heirloom tomato seeds.
Doug’s Ultimate Guide To Growing Your Own Tomatoes
Here’s Doug’s guide to starting and growing tomatoes. Follow these instructions for a bountiful harvest.