Everyone has a garden story. I’d love to tell yours.

Gardening with Doug

Doug Oster Doug Oster

Meet an amazing young gardener planting a community garden in Duquesne.

This week I'm working with the team from Farm to Table Buy Fresh Buy local to plant a community garden at Orchard Park in Duquesne. We meet an amazing young gardener too. I'm answering a question about how to plant zinnias, do some important harvesting on garlic and then feature the 22nd Annual Doug Oster Plant Swap and Garden Hullabaloo.

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Doug Oster Doug Oster

Damn Deer!

My heart sank as I walked through the gate of my vegetable garden after being gone for 12 days. Deer had broken through the fence and left the garden in ruins, as if a gang of angry teenagers from an apocalyptic movie had ravaged the area. Tomato cages were toppled, hosta leaves were gone, beloved lilies were beheaded, and hydrangeas were stripped of their foliage.

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Doug Oster Doug Oster

Tour of Pittsburgh Botanic Garden, disease free tomatoes and cucumber plants and hemlock woolly adelgid

In this week's In Doug's Garden by Davey Tree I'm showing some great planting tips for tomatoes, answering a question about wilting cucumbers and showing off not one, but two plants that you should grow. Then we're off to explore the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden, and place you should visit.

Rob Kruljac from Davey show how to combat hemlock woolly adelgid.

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Doug Oster Doug Oster

Preparing for tomato planting, visiting the Hunt Institute and questions about perennials

This week for In Doug’s Garden by Davey Tree I’m showing how to heat up the soil for tomato and pepper planting, keeping azaleas off the menu for deer, visiting one of my favorite Pittsburgh hidden treasures, the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation. Davey’s Rob Kruljac has to break some bad news to me about a favorite shrub. I’m also helping a new gardener with ideas for perennial planting.

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