Everyone has a garden story. I’d love to tell yours.

Gardening with Doug

Doug Oster Doug Oster

Eating a one million Scoville (or hotter) pepper!

I planted a 'Pimenta Bela Purple' hot pepper, which I picked up at Soergel's Garden Center. It's rated at one million Scovilles, which is hot. I also gave a plant to my friend Dave Taiclet (Hot Pepper Dave). His did not do as well as mine as the deer were after it. So I brought over a bag of the pepper and he had to try one.

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Doug Oster Doug Oster

Explore the Gardens of London/Chelsea Flower Show with Doug on a direct flight May 2025! Webinar on 9/25, register here

I’m thrilled to be making my fourth trip to the Chelsea Flower Show and to see the gardens and city of London along with a trip to explore the gardens of Sissenhurst Castle. Not only will we see formal gardens, but also small gardens all through the city. Everyone gardens in London and the city is filled with the color, texture and amazing design which will provide a plethora of ideas for any gardener.

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